Personal injury firm sues competing firm over billboard ad
Personal injury firm sues competing firm over billboard ad
A personal injury law firm in Massachusetts is suing a competing firm over what it alleges is a copycat billboard even though the signs have numerous differences.
Ellis Law Offices in Worcester alleges in the suit that The Law Offices of Joseph J. Cariglia intentionally copied its billboard to siphon business. Cariglia Law’s marketing company, Murray Marketing Inc., says the billboards have numerous differences, including language and images.
The two billboards both have cutout images of lawyers but different pictures and wording. Ellis’ advertisement says “Injured? Results You Deserve,” while Cariglia’s billboard says “Injured? Don’t Stand Alone.”
The billboards are both located on Interstate 290.
The Telegram & Gazette reports the lawsuit was moved to federal court on Tuesday.
Ellis Law wants Cariglia’s billboard removed and $500,000 in damages.
How the Law Office of Scott A. Ferris, P.A. Can Help
If you, a friend or a family member find themselves in a situation such as this, please call the Law Office of Scott A. Ferris, P.A. at 305 670-3330 right away. Scott A. Ferris, Esq. is a licensed personal injury attorney who has been practicing law since 1987. He is available whenever you need him to defend your rights. Please learn about our firm at
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